What Should I Do If I Am In A Car Accident In South Carolina?


If you are in a car accident in South Carolina and you are fortunate enough to be alert and responsive while you are still at the scene, there are several key things to keep in mind:

1. Get The Necessary Medical Treatment After a Car Accident

First and foremost, obtain all needed medical care. If necessary, allow first responders to transport you to the emergency room so that you can receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. You may be riding on an adrenaline high after an accident. While this keeps your brain functioning and alert, it can also mask more serious injuries. Common medical occurrences that may not be visible at first glance include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), broken ribs, and internal bleeding. These injuries can all be sustained during an accident in addition to more obvious injuries like broken bones or a concussion resulting in loss of consciousness.  Be sure to obtain a copy of all medical records and medical bills. Your Columbia car accident attorney may need them. If you cannot afford needed care, let us know, and we will attempt to work with medical providers and third parties to get you the care that you need. 

2. Document and Collect Evidence


Police will often collect contact and insurance information from all parties to an accident, but to avoid any errors and ensure you have the right information, it is wise to try and do this yourself as well. It is also a good idea to take photos of any visible injury, the accident scene, and the damaged property (all vehicles). Once the police have compiled their report, your attorney can work on your behalf to obtain this document, but your attorney will not be at the accident scene, so your real time documentation and collection of evidence is critical!

3. File an Insurance Claim After a Car Accident

You may need to file a claim with your automobile insurance carrier, and you may need to contact the insurance carrier for the other parties involved as well. Each carrier may ask you to submit different types of documentation and information, which is where the above will come in handy. In South Carolina, the responding officer will likely provide you with a colored form known as an FR-10. Keep a copy of this form as it contains the insurance information for all vehicles involved. If you speak to the at-fault party’s insurance company, do not answer questions or agree to give a recorded statement without first speaking to one of our South Carolina car accident attorneys. The insurance carrier’s goal is to minimize the amount they have to pay on the claim, and they are not looking out for your best interest. 

4. Find a South Carolina Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

It is best if you call an attorney as soon as possible after a car accident. Your South Carolina car accident lawyer can help you with the insurance process, and if necessary, litigation. Our attorneys at the HHP Law Group can deal directly with the insurance adjuster, your medical providers, and handle all aspects of your car accident claim. 


When you come to our office or call for a free consultation, our car accident attorneys will ask you a series of questions to determine whether you have a claim and guide you on how best to proceed. If you have been in a car accident, call our office today at 803-400-8277.


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