I Just Discovered My Doctor Made A Mistake. Now What?


If you recently discovered that your doctor made a mistake while treating you, it may come as a relief. After all, if you’ve been feeling unwell or experiencing strange symptoms and nobody can give you a reason as to why, finding out that there was a mistake in your treatment gives you an explanation. But if your doctor made a mistake, in addition to any short-term symptoms, there may also be severe long-term consequences. If that is the case, the following are the steps you or someone you love may need to take:

1. Call a South Carolina Medical Malpractice Attorney

It’s essential to call a medical malpractice lawyer in South Carolina as soon as you discover that your doctor made a mistake. In South Carolina, the burden of proving medical malpractice is on the plaintiff (the injured person). Medical malpractice happens when any medical provider or medical institution’s actions or omissions fall below the acceptable standard of care, resulting in injury or death.

When you meet with one of our attorneys for medical malpractice, we will ask you a series of questions to determine if you might have a case. We will also have to make sure your case falls within the South Carolina statute of limitations for medical malpractice.

2. Find Out If You Are Within The Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations

Like all civil claims in South Carolina, there is a time limit to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. That time limit varies depending on who the injured party is, who the defendant is, and what type of claim is being brought. This may also be impacted based on when you knew or should have known that you have a claim. Your time limit may be as little as two years after the malpractice occurred, so it is imperative to timely contact a medical malpractice lawyer. Please call us for a free consultation at 803-400-8277.

3. Gather All Medical Records and Bills


Before having your consultation, gather all the documentation about your treatment and resulting injury. This includes all medical records and billing. Your South Carolina medical malpractice lawyer will need these documents to review your case.

4. Have Patience

Medical malpractice cases are difficult to evaluate, expensive to litigate, and resolution usually takes a long time. Our attorneys handle medical malpractice claims on a contingency basis. This means our fees will be paid from a settlement or damages you are awarded at trial. We also advance the trial costs which are typically very expensive. As a result, our medical malpractice lawyers are extremely selective about the cases we take. However, we promise to fully evaluate your case. 


If you have been injured because your doctor made a mistake, don’t hesitate to call us today for a free consultation at 803-400-8277.


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